Preetel Backup
Just Updated
The most reliable and easy-to-use backup for your Microsoft Azure VMs and Amazon EC2 Instances
clicks to back up
seconds to recover
businesses trust it
Complete Business ProtectionProtect entire Windows- and
Linux-based cloud VMs and instances, as well as applications with provendisk-image backup technology -
World’s Fastest RecoveryImprove flexibility of your IT with recovery of your cloud workloads to the same or dissimilar hardware, including to different cloud, or any
on-premises physical system or virtual machine -
Flexible Storage OptionsAssert control over your cloud workloads and data by storing your backups in secure and reliable Preetel Cloud Storage, or
on-premises disk storage, NAS, SAN, or tape devices -
Intuitive, Scalable ManagementReduce IT workload and overhead by easily adding protection of your cloud workloads into a
touch-friendly ,web-based management console -
Innovative Data ProtectionSafeguard your cloud workloads from ransomware attacks with Preetel Active Protection, the only backup technology that detects and prevents unauthorized encryption of files and backups
New and Improved Features in Preetel Backup 12.5 Update 2
“ESG confirmed that Preetel Backup 12.5 is much more than a data backup solution. It also enables full system recovery,
ranging from instant restore of virtual and physical machines to bare-metal recovery, migration capabilities, cloud-based
disaster recovery, replication, off-host backup processing, SAN storage snapshots, and high availability.”