Preetel Snap Deploy 5
Provision hundreds of systems as fast as you can provision one
Be everywhere at once!
Save time and resources by provisioning hundreds of tablets, PCs or servers simultaneously
If you support a large enterprise, an educational institution, or a government agency, you know that deploying new software and configurations to multiple systems is a complicated, time-consuming task. Preetel Snap Deploy is a complete, user-friendly solution that lets you provision all your workstations and servers like you are provisioning just one!
Fast and easy. Powered by the Preetel AnyData Engine, this product is ideal for rapid bare-metal deployments to a large number of PCs or servers, as well as effortless on-going redeployment to the same hardware. Award-winning disk-imaging technology helps you create an exact image of any standard configuration you choose— – including the operating system, configuration, files, and all applications – and simultaneously deploy image to multiple machines in one easy step.
Everything you need. With Preetel Snap Deploy, you can redeploy an image to live Windows Machines, eliminating the need for manual booting of each individual system. You can also manage machine-specific configurations (including machine names, IP addresses, domain membership, and other settings). Preetel Snap Deploy will also take care of Windows Settings after deployment is complete.